Tuffka combines New Age Innovative Materials to design & manufacture FireProof; FirePrevention; WaterProof, and DustProof products
to Protect Precious Possessions.
Every Tuffka product is a testament to our dedication to "Pushing the Boundaries of Perfection."
Founded by enthusiastic Award Winning Inventor & Design Virtuoso, Ezra Solomon, with his relentless
“Passion for Perfection.”
Ezra is available and happy to talk to you
10% of PROFITS are donated to CHARITY
Endorsed by:
Rabbi's Chaim Schapiro & Yakov Wagner, Morristown, NJ.
Rochel Holzkenner, Las Olas, FLorida.
Dr Matthew Riordan, Madison, NJ, .........................................USA

These Fireproof and Waterproof Vaults are the best invention that I have seen in many years!
It really is a "No Brainer" - A one-time cost of $600 to protect a valuable $70,000 Sefer Torah!!!
Peace of mind and a drop in Insurance Premium - What a winner
I bought 2 to protect 2 Sefer Torahs
I am now comfortable to lend one out knowing that it is safe.
It's also used as an Aron Hakodesh when I loan out the Sefer Torah!
Highly recommended!
Rabbi SM
A neighbor lost his home. His kids and family were traumatized.
A burning candle fell on his table.
It happened so quickly.
Tuffka Fire Prevention Mats would have prevented the fire from starting.
If they had the Tuffka Fire Extinguisher Mat it would have put out the fire.
I immediately bought both of these items for our home as my wife was always unhappy and nervous about burning candles.
Thank you Ezra - your unique invention is super good
What a winner! Amazing invention and nothing like it. My insurance broker told me to put my valuables and documents in the Tuffka case and place the case together with my other empty luggage. Burglars never look in luggage as its always empty!
Better than a safe - we use it for documents, passports, jewelry, etc.
I'm going to buy a few more using one as a briefcase , another for my gun and ammo, and and a couple for the staff who work from home.